Saturday, May 1, 2010

Communication Sabbath

For the next two weeks I’m taking a Sabbath from communication. No, I’m not going mute; I’m still going to talk with Misty, talk with my friends, talk to myself, and in times of parental breakdown, yell at the kids. But I am taking a break from other forms of communication.

For the next two weeks I’m taking a break from the phone; no calls, no txts (I’ll have to figure out how to spell all over again, "lol"). I’m also going take a communication Sabbath from Facebook, Twitter, and blogging. There will be no status updates, tweets, or meanderings about life…I’m taking a break. Oh yeah, no emails either.

My hope is that taking a break from communicating I can re-connect with the ones that are most important in my life: my kids, Misty, and our Creator. I will be reading, writing, talking. But mostly…

I will be listening.

I’ll be back in 2 weeks. Peace.


GriselJuhasz said...

Many a true word is spoken in jest................................................................

SnowGroove said...

I might take this more seriously if your communication sabbath didn't coincide with your two-week vacation to Florida. It's quite easy to not blog or text message while you're on a beach 2000 miles away, isn't it? How about trying this while you're at home and dealing with work, family, kids, friends, etc? Now THAT would be radical.

dave diller said...

Hey Snow Groove, I'd be interested in hearing your perspective on the biblical understanding and Judeo/Christian practice of Sabbath...

thanks for your thoughts.

SnowGroove said...

My perspective on Sabbath is probably close to yours. My gripe wasn't with the understanding of it but with your lack of transparency. However, you have mostly addressed that with your most recent blog post, so kudos.

dave diller said...

Snow Groove, there was no intent to be misleading in this post. Leaving out my family's vacation as part of this post was not to make my communication sabbath sound more extraordinary but rather to avoid making it very public that our house would be empty for two weeks :)

thanks for your participation on this blog. peace.