Friday, October 19, 2012

The Wonderlust Wagon

To those who are:

studying for exams, working on a new idea, going through a bitter custody battle, coaching youth sports, spending money you don't have, excited about a new relationship, learning a language, dealing with a chronic illness, trying to make sense of someone else's decisions, rich, finishing your doctoral thesis, wishing golf was less frustrating, poor, traveling abroad, lying to your spouse, wishing you were never born, able to slam-dunk a basketball, terrible at remembering names but great at remembering faces, certain the Republicans cheat, still living with mom and dad, skeptical of the President's "hope and change", relieved your boss didn't notice, ecstatic that you found your glasses, leery of food labels that read "real cheese", nervous about an upcoming conversation, believing the best while others have cast doubt, trying to get their body back, giving their body away, a sucker for a "chick-flick", or...

playing the banjo across country in their station-wagon-sleeper with their "free hugs" sign-wearing dog,

Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, with all of your soul, with all of your mind, and with all of your strength...and love your neighbor as yourself.

It will change everything.

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