Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Beauty Purchase

The Shadow tries to convince that beauty can be marketed for consumption.  We believe this for a while and we make its purchase.  Our insecurity is hungry and cannot seem to be quenched, so we guzzle down empty promises and inhale each offering.  We latch on to something that can redeem, fulfill, and make sense of our longing.  We sell ourselves to the “Latest and Greatest”.

Yet the magic pill doesn’t work.  Positive thinking, workout routines, and the religion of our youth is not enough.  Still hungry.  Still yearning.

What will this cost?

“I will gladly spend it all for a taste of what will truly satisfy.”

“Just show me ‘Where’ and ‘How’ and I’ll buy it!”

But this is the first lie we must see through if we are to move forward.

Beauty cannot be contained or manufactured.  It has always been here, waiting and moving… hovering.  Bursting all around us, Beauty is not asking or requiring anything of you, for it operates via a generous grace that the Market does not know.  Beauty will not be sold to the highest bidder or sold cheaply as the next fad. 

Instead, it is an odd thing.

When we begin to let go of our addiction to solve, cure, fix, engineer and save…it happens.

Beauty arrives. 

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